Disclosure Policy
First of all, my goal primary goal with this website in general, and specifically the Blog aspect, is to build a community of people who want to take their physical and mental performance to the next level. I want to build a team that is dedicated to making the most out of their lives through athletics.
That said, the FTC requires bloggers to disclose whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations. This would include sponsors, affiliates, and associate programs. To cover my bases you can assume that anything I post that has a link has either a sponsorship, ambassador, or affiliate program unless it is to a study or is marked otherwise. From time to time I will post about new and upcoming tech or nutrition, and will clearly identify that neither I or Sweat Equity Athletics has any financial affiliation with said company.
Sweat Equity Athletics is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
For more specific inquiries you can use Contact page.
Last updated - 7/29/2016